
Sidehiller an all around success for DRR

This morning Jay, Dan, Patrick, Steph, Bill, Sal, Chris Smith, and our prisoner Rich Busa headed to Center Sandwich NH for the USSSA qualifier. Temps were in the mid 20's, perfect for racing in shorts (we forgot ours). The course was challenging with trails that were 25% groomed and 75% hell.
Points for the day have yet to be awarded in the Granite State Series. Acidotic had a strong showing with Chris Dunn lining up to show us just how fast he really is (pretty darn fast) with seven racers however, I am certain DRR held our ground in the point series today.
"Official" results have not been finalized but the buzz is that everyone who signed up for the USSSA Nationals from DRR has qualified for the March 8th event in Mt. Hood, Oregon!!! Congrats to all who attended today, more news to follow when the official word gets out.

Dan C.

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